Ankh Morpork

Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld (and his science fiction) books are a joy, and being interested in cities, I had to put pencil to paper.
The following is shared as an homage and a thank-you to Sir Terry Pratchett.
I would like to thank Stephen Briggs for generously allowing me to digitally scan his published map of Ankh Morpork, and apologise for amending his plan here.

I haven’t finished drawing yet but here’s the ‘so-far-(so-what)’. I welcome comments (and corrections when I get round to them) as long as we’re all keeping up our medication.

The  following pages are divided into:

terry pratchett, stephen briggs, growth, organic, planning, urban design, architecture, architect

Circular town revealed by ground radar, Al Rawda, Syria

growth, planned, planning, urban design, architecture, architect

Early sketch of Isle of Gods

Early sketch area from Isle of Gods, Ankh Morpork, growth, organic, planning, urban design, architecture, architect
terry pratchett, graphic design, urban design, architecture, architect