Pelican and Penguin Paperback Book Covers
The covers of Pelican and Penguin paperback book covers used to be at the cutting edge of graphic design. All praise to the editors at Pelican for commissioning bold new original designs for their inexpensive range of books. The artwork was accessible and immediate, and the name of the graphic designer was shown right on the back cover where it could be found. These are my favourites among the ones I have. I have scanned each full size at 300 dpi. Each file name contains the first date of publication by Pelican/Penguin and name of the graphic designer, or the content of the image shown. I cannot tell when the actual edition shown was printed. Enjoy.
These covers are credited to “Peter “Fluck”(sic), “Roger Law” and the last to “Luck and Flaw” of Spitting Image fame.
Germano Facetti was the designer I came across most often among these covers, these are his.